A complete, wholesome, extruded feed dedicated to aquarium fish with an indication of Betta fish. Carefully formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of all tropical fish. The granules are easily digestible, soft, slowly sinking, do not stain water and do not crumble. Carefully selected raw materials ensure optimal growth, a well-functioning digestive system, an efficient immune system and a distinctive color. These features guarantee healthy development, spontaneous reproduction and longevity of the fish.
Kompletna, pełnowartościowa, ekstrudowana pasza dla wszystko i mięzożernych pielegnic. Starannie opracowana, aby spełnić wymagania żywieniowe. Granulki są lekkostrawne, miękkie, wolno opadające, nie brudzą wody i nie kruszą się. Starannie dobrane surowce zapewniają optymalny wzrost, dobrze funkcjonujący układ pokarmowy, sprawny układ odpornościowy oraz wyrazisty kolor. Cechy te gwarantują zdrowy rozwój, spontaniczną reprodukcję i długowieczność ryb.
Complete extruded fish food for all species of Angelfish and rest of ornamental fish. Highly digestible, soft, not tempering water and not disintegrating. The food is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that help promote quick growth and the healthy development of the fish.
Complete extruded fish food for all species of adult Discus and ornamental fish. Highly digestible, soft, not tempering water and not disintegrating. The food is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that help promote quick growth and the healthy development of the fish.
Complete extruded feed for all species of aquarium fish that require a higher proportion of plant components. This feed is suitable for ancistruses, live bearers, barbels, labyrinth fish, plant eating cichlids and catfish. Highly digestible, soft, not tempering water and not disintegrating. The feed is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that help promote quick growth and the healthy development of the fish.
Complete, wholesome, extruded aquarium fish feed, carefully formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of all tropical fish. The granules are easy to digest, soft, slowly falling, do not stain the water and do not crumble. Carefully selected raw materials ensure optimal growth, a well-functioning digestive system, an efficient immune system and a distinctive color. These features guarantee healthy development, spontaneous reproduction and longevity of the fish.
Complete, wholesome, extruded UNIVERSAL fish feed, carefully formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of all tropical fish. The granules are easy to digest, soft, slowly falling, do not stain the water and do not crumble. Carefully selected raw materials ensure optimal growth, a well-functioning digestive system, an efficient immune system and a distinctive color. These features guarantee healthy development, spontaneous reproduction and longevity of the fish.
Complete extruded feed for all species of aquarium fish that require a higher proportion of meat components. This feed is designed for fish such as plecos, corydoras, catfish and marine species. Highly digestible, soft, not tempering water and not disintegrating. The feed is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that help promote quick growth and the healthy development of the fish.
Complete extruded feed for all species of aquarium fish that require a higher proportion of plant components. This feed is suitable for ancistruses, live bearers, barbels, labyrinth fish, plant eating cichlids and catfish. Highly digestible, soft, not tempering water and not disintegrating. The feed is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that help promote quick growth and the healthy development of the fish.
Kompletna, pełnowartościowa, ekstrudowana pasza dla ryb akwariowych, starannie opracowana, aby spełnić wymagania żywieniowe wszystkich ryb tropikalnych. Wafelki są lekkostrawne, miękkie, tonace, nie brudzą wody i nie kruszą się. Starannie dobrane surowce zapewniają optymalny wzrost, dobrze funkcjonujący układ pokarmowy, sprawny układ odpornościowy oraz wyrazisty kolor. Cechy te gwarantują zdrowy rozwój, spontaniczną reprodukcję i długowieczność ryb.
Kompletna karma z dodatkiem Spiruliny dla wszystkich gatunków ryb akwariowych w formie tabletek.